
Resilience and Faith: 亚伦  Miechiels’ Journey from Athlete to Healer

亚伦 Miechiels


亚伦 Miechiels’  journey is a testament to resilience, faith and the pursuit of excellence. As a standout athlete and dedicated student at 拼搏体育 (PBA), 亚伦, 今年春天有谁毕业?, has not only navigated the challenges of collegiate sports, but has also embraced his academic pursuits with an equally formidable passion and faith. He has been accepted into the University of Miami’s prestigious Doctor of 物理治疗项目, w在这里 he plans to blend his love for sports with his commitment to helping others. 

Navigating Challenges: Injury and Change Lead 亚伦 to PBA 

从亚特兰大, 乔治亚州, 亚伦’s early years were spent honing his skills in lacrosse, 这项运动后来定义了他大学生活的大部分时间. 然而,他的道路并非没有挑战. After a promising start at Lenore Ryan University in North Carolina, 亚伦面临 一系列 挑战, 包括COVID-19造成的伤害和破坏. This led him to reassess his direction —a decision fueled by his desire for a Christian school by the beach. 一次, he thought playing lacrosse was over until he came upon PBA, 这符合他对学校的一切期望.   

“I’m very passionate about exercise and fitness, health and longevity,” he said. “在高中毕业和大学开始的时候, 我的背摔断了, 这让我 不喜欢长曲棍球. 我想辞职. So, getting on a journey to get back to playing lacrosse and helping others do the same led me to physical therapy.” 


在PBA, 亚伦’s athletic career flourished as he played a pivotal role in leading the men’s lacrosse team to its best season in the program’s history. But, it was not this accolade that was most important for 亚伦. 

“My sole focus was to stay healthy and navigate the season without further injuries that could impact my studies. 单是 就已经是个人的胜利,超越了任何记录.” 

更重要的是, 他找到了一个和他有共同价值观的社区, a factor that deeply influenced his personal and professional growth.  

“Witnessing younger teammates step up and grow into future leaders was truly inspiring,” he added. Our camaraderie extended beyond the field with regular team dinners and meaningful gatherings at Chris ’Suds’ Southard的 house, w在这里 we bonded over games and shared values during our weekly Bible studies. These experiences have not only shaped us as a team but also deepened our connections, 建立一种持久的关系.” 

亚伦’s commitment to his faith was evident in his decision to participate in a mission trip to the Dominican Republic with his teammates, w在这里 they spent a week engaged in community service and sports clinics. 

Adversity to Gratitude: Overcoming Injury with Community Support 

T在这里 was a particular defining experience at PBA for 亚伦 that 他说 that will forever shape how he sees life and servant leadership. 他骨折了。 他的下巴在2023年2月受伤,不得不接受手术. 他用电线把他的嘴封了两个月. 离开家,他从不感到孤独.

“I was especially grateful for the support that the PBA community showed me during a time of adversity. 当它发生的时候, 我得到了我们的运动教练的支持, 扎克Figura, who stayed with me in the hospital for hours that first day and brought me protein shakes the second day. Both Coach Jesse Vanatta and Chris Southard came to visit me in the hospital, and Athletic Director Courtney Lovely and Campus Pastor Bernie Cueto also reached out to me to check on me over the next week or two.” 

亚伦的队友, 甚至是他不认识的人, 继续对他倾注关怀和同情, checking in on him and “bringing gift cards to smoothie places.

经历这一切, 他说, 我学会了对他所拥有的一切心存感激, 甚至是我们认为理所当然的事情.   


结合他的 运动能力, academic success and deep-rooted faith paints a picture of a young man who is prepared to face the challenges of his future profession and impact the lives of those he encounters. 亚伦 cites mentors like Chris Southard as playing a significant role in shaping his approach to life and sports, 灌输超越赛场的价值观. 

“The thing I like best about Suds is he knows lacrosse is just a game. So, he tries to prepare all the men that he’s around, no matter how young, for what’s ahead. He always tries to relate the lessons that you would learn on the lacrosse field to how to be a good husband, 如何成为一个好爸爸. Those are lessons that he’s tried to instill in all of us as PBA players over the years. He has been a very nice role model and father figure to have over the last three years.” 


“Remember, for most student-athletes, college sports end with graduation. So, embrace a broader view from day one: prioritize your studies and foster meaningful relationships. What you achieve in the classroom and the connections you make may define your future far beyond the final whistle.” 

他向前走, 亚伦’s journey at PBA has not just prepared him for a career in physical therapy, but it has equipped him with the skills to be a compassionate leader in his community and beyond. 

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