



Summer is right around the corner, Sailfish! 为期末考试做准备, remember all you have already accomplished this semester, and remember you can do great things. 的 教职员工 at 拼搏体育 (PBA) are here to support you during these last few weeks and help you get ready for your next grand adventure. 

We know you are more than ready to hit the sand and surf the waves this summer break, so here are some helpful tips and reminders to get you through your finals with ease:  

1. 寻找一些动力 

Finding inspirational quotes is as easy as typing a few words into a Google search bar, but here are some favorites that will help you keep going if you get stuck when studying for an exam or finishing that term paper: 

  • Every morning, you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up  


  • “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.”西奥多。罗斯福 
  • “不要压力. 尽你所能. 忘掉其他的.——佚名 
  • Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”  温斯顿年代. 丘吉尔 
  • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.——腓立比书4:13 

Write them on a Post-it and stick them on the cover of your notebook or bathroom mirror!  

2 . 得到组织  

One of the best things you can do in preparation for finals is to make a to-do list. It’s scientifically proven that checking things off a list can instantly boost your mood and increase your motivation to move on to the next task. Making a list will help you stay on track and maximize your productivity heading into finals week. 

3. 问问题 

活到老,学到老. Whether it’s the last day of class, 复习课, or stopping by during a professor’s office hours, 永远不要害怕问问题. You want to ensure you understand all the concepts you can before the exam, 谁知道呢, the answer to that question might be the key to acing your finals.  

4. 使用抽认卡  

Flashcards are a great study tool, especially for subjects with complex vocabulary. Not only will writing the terms help them stick in your memory, but the repetition of saying their definitions out loud will help you on exam day. Grabbing some friends in the class and making flashcards is definitely a smart study move to help you retain critical knowledge.  

5. 找到你理想的学习时间 

Everyone’s internal clock is different. While some people may be the most productive at 8 a.m., other’s brains start turning close to midnight. Finding what time you can think clearly and be the most productive is crucial to getting the most out of your study time. Just ensure you are still getting plenty of sleep no matter when you decide the best time is to crack open your textbooks.  

6. 包早  

Finals week will pretty much guarantee you a full schedule. Preparing to move out ahead of time can help take some things off your plate. Go ahead and pack a suitcase or two with all the clothes or other things you know you won’t be needing again until you get home. 的 head start will be helpful when it is time to move out and give you more time to study and review.  

7. 做些运动 

Regular exercise is proven to help people think more clearly and decrease their stress levels. Going for a walk along the beautiful intercostal could be an excellent study break that allows you to be productive and relaxed at the same time. 

8. 为你的心理健康腾出时间 

During this time of the year, you may feel overwhelmed. 你并不孤单. Take time to prioritize your mental health and talk through your worries with your friends or a trusted faculty member, 或者使用PBA的咨询服务. A good tip for practicing mindfulness is to keep a journal so you can express your feelings. 

9. Make some lasting memories for your study breaks 

One of the most important things you will take home from this semester is not that beautiful shell you found at the beach this weekend. Instead, it’s all your wonderful memories with your friends at PBA. For study breaks in the next couple of weeks, consider getting together with these people and creating meaningful memories.  

10. 与上帝对话 

祈祷是有力量的. In this time, it is important to let God speak to you through his spirit and Scripture. John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.” God is here for you during this stressful time, and he encourages you to lean on him. Remember, like PBA, he is always by your side and has full confidence in you.  


